Sunday, August 29, 2010

Choco Mocca Steamed Cupcake

This steamed cupcake is my favorite. When I was a kid, my mom often made this cupcake, sometimes mold into animal shapes, turtle, bear, rabbit, etc.
Now that I've grown up, it's my turn to make the cupcake for my family.
But these ones I made for my friend's sister, not for my fam. Few months ago, I put the picture of this cupcake on my facebook account...she said 'hmm so yummy, want some of those'.
She lives in Bandung, West Java, while I live in Malang, East Java, so I have to wait for somebody to come to Malang if I want to give her the cupcake.
Couple days ago, her brother, who was my schoolmate came to Malang, so I made these cupcakes for her...vanilla, mocca, and choco.
Hopefully she would like it.

PS : I've posted the recipe of this steamed cupcake few months ago. If you want to try, just search for the recipe under the label 'bolu kukus'

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mandarin Cheese Prunes Cake

I got this recipe from a cooking magazine. The picture looked soooo yummy, so I decided to give it a try.
I made this cake the night before I went to Balikpapan, East Kalimantan to visit a cousin there. Then, I brought the cake for a gift for them. It was delicious, soft, moist, a lil bit cheesy with a surprise in every bite...the prunes between the 2 layers.
I'll share the recipe here, who knows maybe you want to make some for your family.

Mandarin Cheese Prunes Cake KRAFT
(original recipe by : Sedap 7-10)

Ingredients :

A : 20 egg yolks
      2 egg whites
      200 gr sugar
      18 gr emulsifier
B : 100 gr all purpose flour
     30 gr milk powder
C : 100 gr butter
      100 gr margarine
(You can use all butter or all margarine, as you wish)
D : 75 gr cheddar cheese (shredded)
     150 gr prunes
Cheese filling (mix well and cook together until thick) :
180 gr Kraft quick melt
100 gr fresh milk

Directions :

1. Preheat the oven to 170 C. Line and grease 22x22x3 cm baking pan (2 pans).
2. Beat ingredients C until light and fluffy, set aside.
3. Beat ingredients A until light and fluffy, then beat in ingredients B until well mixed.
4. Fold in ingredients C and shredded cheese and mix well.
5. Pour the batter into 2 pans, bake for 25-30 mins (put the prunes on the bottom of 1 pan only).
6. Cool the cakes on a wire rack.
7. When the cakes are completely cooled, spread the cheese filling onto the cake with prunes, then put the other one on top of it.

That's quite an easy cake to make, with great taste and beautiful look. You should try it, for special occasion or for birthday base cake.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Blogging in english ?.....I'll try my best

A friend of mine, whom I met when I was taking english courseduring my holiday  in Sydney, Australia, 14 years ago, once send me a message via facebook. I took the course for a whole month (mid june-mid july '96), while Elodie (that's her name) took a year course, as far as I remember. Elodie is from Noumea, New Caledonia. I've lost contact with her since I returned home. Then, facebook is booming. I tried to find her on facebook, it was quite easy cause I still remember her name, and she put her picture on her profile, so I recognised her right away.
She is now living in France, with her husband, and 2 kids (1 son, 1 daughter).
One day, Elodie sent me a message. She said she liked my blog (I forgot the exact word she used), but she had difficulties, since my blog is in Indonesian. She asked me if I wanted to translate my blog into English. That was a good idea indeed, so from now on, I'll try to blog in English.
The problem is, English is my second language, so it'll be a lot harder for me towrite the whole story in English, but I'll try my best, at least for the recipes, I'll write it in English, so more people will understand.
Thx Elodie for your idea.

My daughter's 4th birthday cake

My one and only daughter just turned 4 last august 16th. She wanted to celebrate her birthday at school. So, i made her this cake (dummy cake actually), covered with fondant, and cupcakes for the goodie bags for her friends...too bad i forgot to take the pictures of the cupcakes...i was too busy packing the goodie bags, hehehe.
When she was in nursery (2 and 3 years old) i've offered to celebrate her birthday at school, but she didn't want to, cause she was afraid of the clown, hahaha. She still is, so we skip the 'clown' of the party.
The theme for the cake was tinkerbell, so I chose pink and green, the classic color for tinkerbell. As for the cupcakes, I also used pink and green, with 2D figurines of boy and girl faces.
It was quite tiring to prepare all the needs for the party, but it was worth the smile on my girl's face. Nothing compares to that beautiful smile.....:-))

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Beef teriyaki...simple, quick, and delicious

Ini salah satu menu masakan Jepang favorit ku, suami dan anak juga suka. Resepnya aku dapat dari tablois Saji edisi 105.
Ternyata simple banget lhoooo resep beef teriyaki itu. Kalo beli di resto2 Jepang kan lumayan tuh harganya berapa dapetnya cuma dikit. Kalo ada waktu luang, coba deh resep ini, gk nyesel pasti.
Dengan modal yg mungkin sama ama beli di resto, tp bisa jadi lbh banyak teriyaki nya.
Ini aku kasi yah resepnya :


Bahan :
½ buah bawang bombay, diiris panjang
½ buah paprika, diiris panjang
150 gr daging sapi, diiris panjang
2 sdm saus teriyaki
¼ sdt merica bubuk
¼ sdt gula pasir
100 ml air
1 sdm minya utk menumis
1 sdt wijen utk taburan

Cara membuat :
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombay dan paprika hijau sampai harum. Tambahkan daging sapi. Aduk sampai berubah warna.
2. Masukkan saus teriyaki, merica, dan gula pasir. Tuang air. Masak sampai meresap.
3. Sajikan dengan taburan wijen dan pelengkap (pelengkap nya bisa sesuai selera, salad, sayur rebus spt steak, atau sayur ditumis pake mentega sebentar aja).

Gimana ??? Gampang kan ? Cepet kok bikinnya.
Ini yg aku bikin paprika ama bawang bombaynya gk keliatan, krn aku masaknya kelamaan, jd layu deh semua. Trus aku jg gk kasi wijen krn di rumah gak ada, aku skip aja. Enakkkk.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Black forest birthday cake

Black forest yg ini orderan utk tgl 8 agustus 2010, barengan ama acara lamaran adek iparku. Yg mesen Pipit, mau kasi surprise buat hubby nya namanya Tony, which is temen suamiku.
Pertama aku udah mikir diterima nggak, krn kan pas mau bikin punya Ella jg kan. Tp akhirnya aku trima, krn gk pake hias aneh2, simply black forest. Aku hias pake coklat yg dicetak bentuk wafer biar ada motifnya dikit. Udah, itu aja hiasannya plus cherry merah as usual, ama taburan coklat serut di atas.
Cake nya minta dianter pagi sblm Tony nya bangun, jd my hubby yg bertugas anter pagi2 jam 6 lbh. Untung rmh nya satu kompleks, jd gk usah jauh2, bentar udah nyampe ke rumahnya Tony. Dan Tony nya emang msh tidur...horeeee, berhasil, gak ketauan ama si Tony. Pas dia bangun, itu cake udah nampang cantik di meja, hehehehe...
Happy birthday ya !
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Cupcake set untuk lamaran

Tgl 8 agustus 2010, adek nya suamiku lamaran. Trus kepikiran mau kasih kado cake, tp cake apa msh bingung. Akhirnya aku putusin cupcake aja yg dihias dengan tema lamaran, jd banyak hati dan bunga, kayak yg lamaran kan hatinya berbunga-bunga, hehehehe.
Trus aku tambahin figurin cowo cewe plus tulisan nama. Warna dasar aku pake pink biar tambah manis. Pertama sih mau kasi tulisan mandarin double happiness, tp apa daya gk jadi2, ya udah batal deh tulisan mandarin nya.
Happy engagement buat Rusli and Ella, semoga semua lancar2 aja.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cupcake with yoghurt

Ini satu lagi pilihan resep yg gampang dan cepat dibuatnya. Resep yg ini agak beda dikit dg resep2 yg lain, krn resep ini memakai yoghurt/sour cream/buttermilk dlm campuran bahan2nya.
aku bikin cupcake ini krn penasaran pengen bikin cupcake yg lembut, moist tp padat. Kalo pake resep cupcake yg lain, biasanya bisa padat tp krg lembut. Nah, konon katanya dg penambahan yoghurt di dalam adonan, cupcake yg dihasilkan bisa moist. Maka, mencoba lah aku resep ini.
Resep asli aku ambil dari blog nya Rina Rinso...kalo mau liat2 ke blog nya beliau boleh lho, banyak resep2 yg berguna disitu.
Ini aku tulis ulang disini ya resepnya :


Bahan :

2 cup terigu serba guna
1 sdt baking powder
1/2 sdt baking soda
4 butir telur ukuran besar
2 sdt vanilla
3/4 cup gula
170 gr mentega, cairkan
1 1/4 cup buttermilk/sour cream/thick yoghurt

Cara membuat :

  1. Ayak terigu, baking powder, dan baking soda. Sisihkan.
  2. Di wadah lain, kocok telur dengan whisk atau sendok kayu, kemudian masukkan vanilla dan gula, aduk rata.
  3. Setelah rata, masukkan mentega cair, aduk rata. Setelah itu masukkan buttermilk/sour cream/yoghurt, aduk rata.
  4. Masukkan bahan kering secara bertahap, pertama 1/3 bagian dulu, aduk, tambahkan 1/3 lagi, dst. Aduk asal rata saja, jgn terlalu kuat mengaduk.
  5. Masukkan adonan di loyang muffin yg sudah dialasi cup kertas. Bisa diberi filling sesuai selera.
  6. Panggang di oven sampai matang.
Hasilnya ? Menurut aku sih, moist nya udah dapet, sm teksturnya kurang halus (menurut lidahku lho yaaa....) krn cakenya itu bisa bergerindil gitu, jd kayak berbutir tp moist sih (aduh gimana ya jelasin nya....bingung). Dicoba deh bikin biar tau rasanya yah. Ohya, kalo yg aku bikin ini, aku kasi rasa mocca plus filling keju cheddar dipotong kotak2 kecil...nyammm nyammmm.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Birthday cake for my best friend

Hari ini tgl 1 agustus, hari ultah nya sahabat aku, Lisa. Aku udah temenan ama dia lamaaaaa bgt, mulai smp, udah brp tahun tuh...18 thn ada, lamaaa bgt yah, gk kerasa kalo udah selama itu temenan.
Nah aku mau kasi dia b'day cake bikinan aku buat ultahnya kali ini. Pas liat2 buku cake decor, ada satu yg aku suka, simpel tp kayanya pas buat Lisa, yg girly and imut. Yg di buku sih temanya thumbelina, gadis kecil sebesar jempol yg 'lahir' dari bunga.
Aku ngikutin garis besar idenya aja, ada bunga trus ada figurin cewek duduk bersimpuh di atas bunga itu. Pas ngedekor, entah kenapa aku spontan bikin nya bunga daisy (atau sunflower ya ?.....selalu bingung gk bs bedain 2 bunga itu, hehehehe.....yah jadinya kyk di foto deh pokoknya)
Trus, aku tambahin bunga kecil2 biar agak rame.
Happy b'day ya friend forever, semoga seneng ama cake buatanku.
Ohya, lupa cerita, pas bikin kue ini, lg mau nuang gula halus, lha kok salah nuang tepung.....aduh, udah takut bantat aja, untungnya nggak, tp mgk teksturnya jd sedikit lebih padat (aku bikin base cake nya lapis surabaya rasa moka-pandan). Ini lg nunggu2 komennya Lisa sambil deg2an, gmn yah rasa cake hasil 'salah tuang' itu, hehehehe...
Pas ngasi udah dibarengi wejangan, ntar kalo cake nya gk enak, lapor ke aku yah, ntar aku ganti, hehehehe...soalnya salah prosedur.
Pas bikin sih ada sisa adonan dikit yg aku panggang di loyang kecil, no problem sih dari segi rasa, tp ya itu tadi, teksturnya jd padat, nggak seringan biasanya.
Anyway, semoga berkenan ama si birthday girl nya.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!